101 Reasons to Read

101 Reasons to Read

 1.  It's Fun                                                                         51.You'll know more                          
 2. You'll learn about yourself                                           52. It makes time fly by
 3. You'll learn about the world                                          53. You'll understand people better   
 4. It improves your communication skills                        54. It keeps you out of trouble 
 5. You'll forget your worries                                             55. You can do it anywhere              
 6. You can do it anytime                                                    56. It will help you grow
 7. You can do it in any weather                                         57. You'll impress your parents and friends
  8.You'll make your teachers proud                                  58. It reduces stress                   
  9. It will help you do well in school                                   59. It's the cheapest way to travel the world
10. It doesn't require batteries                                           60. You can live many lives                                      
11. It puts the universe at your fingertips                          61. There are no commercials 
12. You can see through someone else's eyes                   62. You'll learn other points of view
13. It can make you laugh                                                   63. It can make you cry
14. It can scare your pants off                                            64. It can make you think    
15. It can take you places you've never dreamed of         65. You can have the adventure of a lifetime
16. You'll be inspired                                                           66. You can learn how to do something new
17. You can learn how things work                                      67. It doesn't cost much
18. It can help you find solutions to any problem               68. You can experience the past                 
19. You can dream about the future                                    69. You can explore new horizons
20. It inspires life long learning                                           70. You'll be great at trivia games
21. Once you start you won't want to stop                          71. It can change your life        
22. It can give you great quotes or jokes to share             72. It doesn't need electricity
23. You can experience things you would never do            73. It's a quiet activity 
24. You won't have to judge a book by its cover                 74. It's always in style  
25. You can learn how to be better at anything                   75. It sparks your imagination
26. It will increase your vocabulary                                     76. You can learn how to make something new
27. You'll be a better writer                                                  77. It's your link to the rest of the world
28. You'll always have something to look forward to          78. It 's a good way to challenge yourself
29. You'll be meeting interesting characters                       79. You'll always have something to talk about
30. You can do it by yourself                                                 80. You can do it with your family
31. It makes you smarter                                                      81. Books can make you calm
32. It gives you some time to think                                       82. Books can make you scared
33. You learn about animals                                                  83.  Books can enlighten you
34.  You learn how to help others                                          84.  Books can make you aware
35. It increases your knowledge                                            85. They can be a pal
36. It makes you warm inside                                                86.  They can help your brain
37.  It helps you learn to concentrate                                    87.  It will tell about the past
38.  There are millions of stories to choose from                  88. It can help with the future
39.  Books help you learn to cook                                          89. They can help our memories
40.  Your imagination gets better                                            90. They can make new memories
41.  Your Grandparents will be proud                                     91. They can spark our curiosity
42.  You can learn about pirates                                              92.  You can get some books for free  
43.  Problem solving skills are learned                                   93.  They make a great gift for someone
44.  You will find others with the same interests                    94. They make a great gift to yourself
45.  Books are handy                                                               95. You can read while you fish
46. Rereading a book is better than television reruns           96.  You can read on a bus
47. Stories stay in your head forever                                       97. You can read in a car
48. Some stories stay in your heart forever                             98. You can read here or there
49. You get to choose what you read                                        99. You can read anywhere
50. Reading can be done with a good buddy                           100. The book is always better than the movie !!!!!  
101. And remember Books are Friends for Life!

You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond
